Location: Elliman Building Room 0121 421 E. Canfield Detroit, MI 48201 Contact: Robin Roberts B.S. ph: 313-577-1747 |
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The Bruker BioSpec® 70/30 USR horizontal bore MRI system is designed for performing preclinical and molecular MRI. The high field MR scanner can perform both magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) for preclinical, pharmaceutical, and fundamental research. The scanner is actively-shielded 7T magnet with a 30-cm bore and cryo-refrigeration that minimizes the time and cost associated with magnet maintenance. The system is equipped with a 12 cm gradient and shim coil set (B-GA12S HP), capable of generating maximum gradient amplitude of 660 mT/m, rise time of 80 to 120 us, slew rate of 4570 T/m/s, and 4-channel receiver for multi-coil operation.
The operating console has ParaVision 360 (v2.0pl1) acquisition workplace, which features the following: built-in parallel acquisition; push-button GRAPPA reconstruction; EPI, navigator techniques for motion reduction; ultra-short TE acquisition; Half-Fourier encoding; self-gated IntraGate; real-time display of acquired and reconstructed data; sophisticated data archiving including DICOM export; and enhanced 2D and 3D data visualization.
The MRI suite is equipped with a dedicated isoflurane anesthesia system, temperature controlled platform, cardiac gating, and respiratory gating. This 30 cm bore system achieves sub-millimeter spatial resolution with variable, user-selectable, field-of-view and sensitivity. The acquisition times range from <1 s to 30 min depending on chosen resolution, field-of-view and function.
Services Provided:
Equipment Features:
1H Transmit and Receive Channel
The electronics cabinet is equipped for digital signal generation and detection of 1H MRI/MRS experiments. The following RF coil configurations are supported:RF Amplifier for Proton MRI/MRS excitation
RF Quadrature Combiner
RF Tune/Match Adapter
RF Interface Adapter
The RF interface adapter allows the operation of RF coils that are not equipped with standard Bruker RF connector e.g. home built or third party RF coils. The adapter supports the following socket types:
High Power Gradient Amplifier Upgrade
Shim Amplifier
Shim amplifier (6 channels, max current 10 A)ParaVision Acquisition Workplace
The ParaVision 360 acquisition workplace is delivered as part of the MR instrument and includes the following items and functionality:
Computer hardware:
Standard Imaging Sequences and protocols:
The Study Planning package includes the following methods and protocols:
Parallel Receiver Upgrade: 1 → 4 Channels
A fully equipped parallel proton-receiver configuration allows the application of 1H parallel imaging methods. The upgrade comprises:
3D Visualization and Analysis
A3D data visualization and analysis extension package enhances the basic viewing functionality of ParaVision by:
Multimodal Data Import and Export
The multimodal data functionality extension package of ParaVision allows to import and export DICOM data of the following imaging modalities:
Cardio Package
The cardio application package of ParaVision includes all methods and ParaVision functionality tools required for triggered or self-gated cardiac MRI.
Methods and protocols:
ParaVision functionality extension:
The software feature of the processing workplace is extended by:
Diffusion Package
The diffusion application package of ParaVision includes all methods and ParaVision functionality tools required for diffusion weighted or diffusion tensor MRI.
Methods and protocols:
ParaVision functionality extension:
The software feature of the processing workplace is extended by:
Angiography Package
The angiography application package of ParaVision includes all methods and ParaVision functionality tools required for angiography and velocity MRI.
Methods and protocols:
fMRI and DCE Package
The functional MRI and the dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE) application package of ParaVision includes all methods and ParaVision functionality tools required for functional and dynamic contrast enhanced kinematic MRI.
Methods and protocols:
ParaVision functionality extension:
Short Echo Time Package
The short echo time application package of ParaVision includes all methods required for imaging samples with short echo times by means of MRI.
Methods and protocols:
Relaxation Package
The relaxation application package of ParaVision includes all methods required for T1/T2 based MRI contrasts and MR relaxometry.
Methods and protocols:
Spectroscopy Package
The spectroscopy application package of ParaVision includes all methods and ParaVision functionality tools required for spatially resolved MRS.
Methods and protocols:
ParaVision functionality extension:
Transmit/Receive Volume Coil for Mice and Rats MT- 72 mm
This volume coil is optimized for cross coil setups, i.e. for use as transmit RF coil in combination with receive-only surface coils and arrays. The coil can also be used as receive volume coil. Small rodents up to 450 g body weight can be examined. Designed for use in B-GA9S or bigger gradient coils.
Rat Body Volume Coil - 72 mm
Volume RF coil designed for rodent body investigations up 450 g body weight. Designed for use in B-GA12S or bigger gradient coils.
Mouse Body Volume Coil - 35 mm
Volume RF coil for mouse body investigations. Designed for use in B-GA6S or bigger gradient coils.
Rat Brain Surface Coil
Anatomically shaped rat brain surface coil.
Rat Brain Array Coil
Anatomically shaped 4 elements rat brain surface coil.
Mouse Brain Array Coil – 4 Channels
Anatomically shaped four element array coil for mouse brain investigations.
Low Noise Preamplifier for Planar Surface Coils
Low noise preamplifier to be used with the planar surface coils listed below. The preamplifier is to be mounted on a split cradle. Designed for use in B-GA9S or bigger gradient coils.
Multi-Purpose Planar Surface Coil – 10 mm
1H receive-only surface coil
Multi-Purpose Planar Surface Coil – 20 mm
1H receive-only surface coil
Rat Cardiac Array Coil – 4 Channels
Anatomically shaped 4 element rat cardiac array coil.
Mouse Cardiac Array Coil – 4 Channels
Anatomically shaped four element mouse cardiac array coil.
Mouse Body Bed - 35 mm
Animal bed for use with 35 mm volume coils for mouse body applications.
The bed includes:
Holder for RF Coils with 89 mm outer diameter in gradient coil B-GA12S
Cradle Base for Mouse Application Tips
Basic cradle unit for mouse applications, to be combined with cradle tips. The base includes water hoses for body temperature control.
Mouse Tip for Surface Coil Applications
Cradle tip to be attached to the mouse base for use with surface coils and phased array coils for head or body applications.
The cradle tip includes:
Cradle Base for Rat Application Tips
Basic cradle unit for rat applications, to be combined with cradle tips. The base includes water hoses for body temperature control
Rat Tip for Surface Coil and Body Applications
Cradle tip to be attached to the rat base for use with surface coils, phased array coils, and body volume coils for head or body applications.
The cradle tip includes:
Multi-Purpose Planar Surface Coil – 10 mm
1H receive-only surface coil